المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : تفجير انتحاري امام كنيسة كاثوليكية في اندونيسيا يوم احد السعانين

03-28-2021, 05:02 PM
Two dead, 20 wounded in suspected suicide blast outside Indonesian church

قتيلان وعشرين جريحا بانفجار انتحاري خارج كنيسة اندونيسية

https://www.straitstimes.com/sites/all/themes/custom/bootdemo/images/dummy.gif https://static.straitstimes.com.sg/s3fs-public/styles/article_pictrure_780x520_/public/articles/2021/03/28/rr-makassarchurch-2803.jpg?itok=Vx9-qxE8&timestamp=1616914365 Indonesian police examine the site outside a church after an explosion in Makassar on March 28, 2021.PHOTO: AFP


Linda Yulisman (https://www.straitstimes.com/authors/linda-yulisman)
Indonesia Correspondent

JAKARTA - A blast outside a Catholic church in South Sulawesi’s provincial capital Makassar on Sunday (March 28) killed two suspected suicide bombers and wounded at least 20 people, the police said.

جاكارتا - انفجار خارج كنيسة كاثوليكية في مدينة ماكاسّر عاصمة محافظة سيلاويسي الجنوبية يوم الاحد 28-3-2021 تسبب بمقتل "انتحاريين اثنين"، وجرح عشرين شخصا على الاقل.

شخصان على دراجة نارية حاولا الدخول الى مجمع الكنيسة بعد انتهاء القداس ...ولكن مسؤل امن الكنيسة اوقفهما فحدث الانفجار امام مدخل الكنيسة في الساعة 20 - 10 صباحا بالتوقيت المحلي حسبما صرحت الشرطة الوطنية ....

Two people on a motorcycle tried to enter the church compound after a mass ended, said National Police spokesman Inspector-General of Police Argo Yuwono.
“The two persons were stopped by the church security officer and the blast occurred,” he told reporters, adding that it took place at the church entrance gate at 10.20am Central Indonesia Time (10.20am Singapore time).

He said that a damaged vehicle and human remains were found at the scene, and police were still investigating.

"العربة" المدمرة وبقايا بشرية كانت موجودة في الموقع، ولا تزال الشرطة تستكشف.
الجرحى تم نقلهم الى المستشفيات القريبة.

ومن المخلفات يبدو على الارجح بان الانتحاريين هما رجل وامراة.

Those wounded were being treated at nearby hospitals, he said.
South Sulawesi police spokesman E Zulpan told MetroTV that based on the remains, and a head scarf found at the scene, one of the bombers was a man and the other likely a woman.

President Joko Widodo strongly condemned the terrorist incident. He has ordered the national police chief to investigate the attack and dismantle the network to which the perpetrators are linked.
“Terrorism is a crime against humanity and is not related to any religion. All religious teachings reject terrorism, whatever the reason,” he said.
“State apparatus won’t allow such terrorist actions and I call on people to worship calmly, because the state guarantees the security of worshippers to worship without fear."
South Sulawesi police chief Inspector-General of Police Merdisyam told reporters that the bombing used “high explosives”, but there was no significant damage at the church.

الشرطة قالت بان الانتحاري استعمل مواد شديدة الانفجار الا ان الكنيسة لم تتضرر كثيرا.

Security camera footage revealed a blast sent flame, smoke and debris into the middle of the road.
The police have set up a cordon around the cathedral and a disaster victim identification team is investigating the incident.

التحقيق لم يصل بعد الى الجهة التي تقف وراء العمل الاجرامي، الا انهم يشيرون الى "جماعا أنشاروت دولة" القريبة من "دولة الخلافة الاسلامية في العراق والشام (داعش)

They also have not yet determined which group might be behind the incident.
Police pointed out attackers with ties to the Jemaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD), a local terrorist group loyal to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), to be responsible for suicide attacks in 2018 on churches and a police post in Indonesia’s second largest city Surabaya that killed over 30 people.
The militants, who were willing to use their wives and children as cover for the suicide bombings, deployed military-grade explosives.
Indonesia’s anti-terrorism squad Densus 88 has intensified its efforts against terrorism in the country with the world’s largest Muslim population since late last year, particularly following an attack that killed four members of a Christian family in a remote village in Central Sulawesi in last November.
In early January, it arrested 20 terror suspects linked to the JAD in Makassar. Two of them resisted the arrest and were shot to death.
Earlier, a priest at the cathedral, Father Wilhelmus Tulak told Kompas TV that he heard a “very loud explosion” at around 10.30am, after a second mass finished.
“Two people on a motorbike wanted to enter (the church compound), but a security officer held them (at the gate) and the explosion occurred,” he said, adding that the security officer had earlier observed the two “suspicious” persons.
Several worshippers who were near the location of the explosion and hit by flying glass from shattered windows were

injured, Mr Wilhelmus noted

الكاهن قال بان المؤمنين هنا ومثل جميع الكاثوليك في العالم يحتفلون اليوم بأحد السعانين، اليوم الاول للاسبوع المقدس الذي ينتهي بأحد القيامة الذي يصادف الرابع من نيسان هذا العام.

Like their fellows in other parts of the world, Catholic worshippers in Indonesia are celebrating Palm Sunday, the first day of the Holy Week that will end with Easter, which this year will fall on April 4.
Religious Affairs Minister Yaqut Cholil Qoumas strongly condemned the alleged bombing at the Makassar cathedral, which he described as “a dreadful action” that has tainted public order and contrary to any religious teaching.
“Whatever the motive is, the action cannot be justified by any religion because it not only harms the perpetrators, but also other people,” he said.
Makassar mayor Mohammad Ramdhan Pomanto called on the city’s dwellers to remain calm after the incident and stop spreading pictures or footage related to the attack through social media.

المصدر: كّوكّل والترجمة باللون الازرق ترجمتي بتصرّف. جرجيس يوسف/ كندا

03-28-2021, 05:21 PM
إندونيسيا.. 14 جريحا في تفجير انتحاري أمام كنيسة

هز تفجير انتحاري، كنيسة في مدينة ماكاسار التابعة لولاية ساوث سالاويزي الجنوبية بإندونيسيا، ما أسفر عن سقوط قتيل واربعة عشر جريحا، وقال المتحدث باسم مديرية الأمن الوطني أرغو يوونو، إن اربعة عشر شخصا، بينهم حراس أمن بالكنيسة، أصيبوا في الهجوم، لافتا إلى أنهم يخضعون الآن للعلاج في المستشفى، فيما أوضحت مديرية أمن ساوث سالاويزي الجنوبية في بيان، أن شخصين حاولا الدخول عبر دراجة نارية إلى الكنيسة، وأن أحدهما فجّر نفسه، مشيرة الى ان أحد الكهان للصحفيين، إن حراس الكنيسة اشتبهوا في شخصين على دراجة نارية حاولا الدخول إليها، وتصدوا لهما قبل أن يقوم أحدهما بتفجير عبوته الناسفة قرب بوابة الكنيسة ليقع قتيلا
